Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Week 8 Reading and Writing

Reflecting back on the reading and writing that I have done throughout this class, I become very happy with myself. Reading has never been my forte or even something I just enjoyed. I struggle with reading at an appropriate speed as well as comprehending what I have read. However, when I look at my reading notes, I give myself grace because I was able to comprehend the stories. Furthermore, at the beginning of this course, writing the stories was what excited me the most for this class. It has kept its end of the bargain! Writing the stories is still my favorite part. I notice that when I write I go into another world. A world where I can control what happens and use my imagination again. I have felt like I pushed my imagination to the corner of my brain these past few years, but I remember how my second grade teacher told me to never loose it. So, it feels good to use my imagination again.

Also, I can see how my reading notes and stories have improved throughout the semester. I have used different reading techniques and that has really helped me explore the story in different ways each week. Furthermore, I can see that my writing has improved because, in my opinion, they have become more engaging. 

Looking forward, I want to keep improving on my reading and writing. I believe there is always room for improvement, so it is great that we get to reflect on what we have done and where we want to go. Regarding my reading, I want to keep using reading techniques. However, I want to use different reading techniques and not repeat the ones that I have used. Regarding my writing, especially for my portfolio, I want to condense the wordiness of my stories. Naturally, I am a very talkative person, and I think that is translated in most of my stories. Therefore, I want to work on condensing the number of words while still telling the story in its entirety. 

The above image was used for my "Extra Credit Reading Notes: PDE Ramayana, Part C" assignment. Looking through my past reading notes, I recalled using most of the images. However, the image above, I do not remember choosing. It made me really interested in the notes that I took again. I was then reminded of the courage of Sita and Hanuman in their respective ways when Sita was being captured. It was a gentle reminder that we all should be courageous too. 

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