Monday, January 20, 2020

Week 2 Reading Overview

The Public Domain Edition (PDE): Ramayana is the version of the Ramayana epic that I am choosing to dive into this semester. I have chosen this version of the epic for the following reasons:

  • free audio version (thanks to our professor!)
  • lots of illustrations
  • free to read online
Knowing myself, I recognize that I am a slow reader. However, with the help of the audio reading in the PDE Ramayana version, I will be able to progress through the epics at a timely manner. More so, I am a visual learner as well. As an engineering student, I learn more from charts and illustrations than from a wall of text. Through the PDE Ramayana version, many illustrations are provided and I believe that will help me in understanding the reading better. Thirdly, as this is an online course, I like to think that everything that I need for the course is in one location: my laptop. Therefore, since the PDE Ramayana version is free to read online, every material I need for the course is in my laptop!

After exploring the comic books, the two that interests me the most are Savitri: The Perfect Wife and Vasantasena, A Dancer and Her Most Precious Jewel. The story about the perfect wife revolves around Princess Savitri and her pathway in finding a husband of her own choosing despite disapproval from other people. I believe that Princess Savitri has every right to choose her lifelong partner and I applaud that she had great courage. Princess Savitri seems to be a strong, independent woman and I admire that about her. Vasantasena, A Dancer and Her Most Precious Jewel has a plot that follows a woman who loves someone other than the evil king. Vasantasena must go through twists and turns until she has a happy ending. This story reminds me of a Filipino drama show, where there are two people who love each other and will end up with each other, however, they must go through various and eccentric obstacles to get there. 

Browsing through the video playlist, I found two particular videos that interested me and that I want to learn more about. The first video that grabbed my attention was CineKids | Ramayana: The Story of Diwali | Animated Video of Celebrate Diwali | Mythological story. I first heard of Diwali during my first year of college through friends who celebrated the holiday. I found out that Diwali is a festival of lights, but I did not know much more. It is through this video that I am able to have a better understanding of the holiday. The second video that interested me was Powerful Women of Hindu Mythology | EPIFIED. Simply through the title with the words "powerful women" the video grasped my interest. I enjoy reading and learning about strong, female figures who have taken up space in our world and this video taught me about more women who have taken up their space. 

This image of Princess Savitri showcases strength, power, and protection and this is why I have chosen this image to depict her. I hope that all women will know the strength, power, and protection we all have inside of us.

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